DDoS Attack Prevention Method: A Detailed Report

Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks are malicious efforts to disrupt normal traffic of a specific server, network or service by overloading the target or its surrounding infrastructure with a flood of Internet traffic. The goal of any DDoS attack is to attain efficiency by employing multiple compromised computer systems as sources of attack traffic. Exploited machines can comprise of networked resources such as IoT devices and computers.

DDoS Attacks can take place for a prolonged time period that could actually lead to a financial loss in your online business. For instance, when customers get in your website, they will immediately see a warning sign saying that they cannot enter the website temporarily because of the high volume of users. In certain cases, some users and technical staff could also fail to realize that the website is already under attack.

When compared to other forms of cyberattacks, DDoS attacks offer a less complex attack mode but they are growing stronger and are becoming more sophisticated. There are three basic categories of DDoS attacks:

Volume-based attacks: Use high traffic to flood the network bandwidth
Protocol attacks: Focus on exploiting server resources
Application attacks: Target on web applications and are considered to be the most refined and serious type of attacks.

    • How to Prevent a DDoS attack

With the hacker community packing sophisticated and complex attack tools into easy-to-use, downloadable programs, even those who don’t have the essential know-how can, in fact, buy the potential to launch and control their own DDoS attacks. The DDoS attack situation will continue to get more complicated as attackers are now beginning to conscript everything, from routers to gaming consoles and modems, in order to increase the volume of attack traffic that they can generate.

Securing internet-facing devices and services is more about helping to protect the internet as an individual network as it is about decreasing the number of devices that can be recruited to take part in a DDoS attack.

    • Discovering a DDos Attack
It is compulsory for you to have a software tool that will protect you from DDoS attacks. These attacks are generally undetectable via manual checking. You have to ensure that your software tool has a feature called DDoS mitigation. This feature will provide you with an alert and help you fight unwanted DDoS attacks.

    • Protecting Businesses from DDoS Attacks
A number of ways are available to obtain effective DDoS prevention. At the very outset, it is essential for you to have a specialized software solution and distributed hardware equipment. You must regularly monitor your website performance metrics and also secure your capability.

    • Measure Your Capability
When a DDoS attack makes an entry into the network with extreme packet-per-second rates, a mitigation solution will be needed with proper packet processing power. It is necessary for you to consider measuring the analytics infrastructure. If you have requested for a realistic performance from your vendor, don’t be amazed. Your number could be extremely low. Nowadays, DDoS Attacks are in fact launched simultaneously. Datasheet performance figures give a good indicator to match the product to your requirements, however, it is indeed advisable to test your prospect mitigation solution.

    • Monitoring Metrics of Website Performance
Bandwidth is an important metric and individuals want bandwidth that can handle as many users as possible. However, they may not be aware of a few things. Eventually, networking devices process network packets, which generally differ in size. Less bandwidth is used by small packets, and larger bandwidths are used by large packets. An attacker can quickly stress out the infrastructure by sending several small packets at a high rate – particularly conventional security infrastructure such as Intrusion Detection Systems, or firewalls.

    • Using an All-in-One Tool for DDoS Prevention

Comodo cWatch has been launched to simplify all of those tedious and complicated steps involved in DDoS prevention. It has been designed into a package comprising of Managed Security Service for websites and applications that incorporates a Web Application Firewall (WAF) provisioned over a Secure Content Delivery Network (CDN). cWatch is a completely managed solution from a 24/7 staffed Cyber Security Operation Center (CSOC) of specialized security analysts and is powered by a Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) capable of leveraging data from more than 85 million endpoints in order to detect and mitigate threats even before they occur.

With cWatch providing a free web security scanner online, it also offers the following benefits besides its technical abilities:

    • Saves Time and Effort
You can do away with your daily concerns about the annoying dangers of malware. You just have to check a web security scanner online and install cWatch on your website to do all the required cleaning.
• Saves Cost
Trying the Comodo free web security scanner online can, in fact, prevent you from spending more money on paid a web security scanner.
• Reduces Risk
Through the detailed activity reports of the web security scanner online, you will be able to plan effectively before a malware attack.

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